Thunderbolt Ski Race Delayed Because of Weather

Staff ReportsiBerkshires
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ADAMS, Mass. — This winter's funky weather is forcing the Thunderbolt Ski Race to be postponed to Saturday, March 3.

The race, and an accompanying Thunderfest, were scheduled for Feb. 11, but rain and mild temperatures are forcing the historic race to wait for snow. It's a replay of the race's 75th anniversary — and its first run since 1948 — in 2010 when it was nearly canceled because of unseasonable temperatures. A couple of providential storms had skiers slushing down the side of Mount Greylock in March.

David Bissaillon of ProAdams, a local group spearheading Thunderfest, said the decision to postpone the race was made Wednesday night by the ski club.

"We were simply following their lead in terms of when their event is held," he said. "It gives us four more weeks and maybe we can get some snow but we will have the [festival] anyways."

Bissaillon said Thunderfest organizers are contacting vendors to let them know the change. But rain or snow, race or not, Thunderfest will be held on March 3. "It's coming together nicely," he said. "We're really excited about it."

The Thunderbolt Ski Race has been resurrected by the Thunderbolt Ski Runners club, which groomed and widened the old trail and sparked interest from skiers around the region. ProAdams joined with the ski club and the town Events Planning Committee to create a downtown event with a cook off, beer garden, music, activities and more.

The mild weather has also forced the Adams Outdoorsmen to cancel its annual fishing derby scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 4, because of thin ice.

Update 1:29 p.m.: Rewritten throughout and updated with quotes.
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Hoosac Valley Preparing For District Vote on $23M Budget

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
CHESHIRE, Mass. — The Hoosac Valley Regional School Committee on Monday night unanimously approved a document "strongly" endorsing the school district's fiscal 2025 budget.
"This budget is a fiscally responsible plan that keeps the increases well below inflation and focuses on maintaining the district's financial health without drastic cuts or tax hikes," the position paper reads. "Much of the increase is driven by unavoidable costs, including state mandates and necessary contractual costs, ensuring the district remains competitive as an employer and service provider."
The endorsement comes a week before a districtwide meeting that will vote the $23 million spending plan up or down. 
Cheshire rejected a Proposition 2 1/2 override last month that would have fully funded its portion of the budget and instead passed a motion that would level fund the town's fiscal 2025 school assessment. Adams had approved the budget in June. 
All registered voters from Cheshire and Adams, the two towns in the regional school district, will meet on Monday, Sept. 30, at 6:30 p.m. in the Hoosac Valley High auditorium to vote on the budget, the only item on the warrant. This will be a majority vote. 
A joint meeting of the School Committee and the select boards chose Thomas Bernard as moderator. Bernard, president of Berkshire United Way, is the former mayor of North Adams and was considered a neutral selection. 
"I've started to familiarize myself with the warrant and the relevant section of MGL, and I'm boning up on my Robert's Rules of Order just to make sure that we do everything as clearly and transparently as we can next Monday evening," Bernard told the committee Monday.
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