Downing Appointed Honorary Chair of Mass College Democrats

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Senator Benjamin B. Downing
BOSTON — The College Democrats of Massachusetts have appointed state Senator Benjamin B. Downing, D- Pittsfield as Honorary Chairman.

The College Democrats of Massachusetts are the official college outreach wing of the Massachusetts Democratic Party and a branch of the College Democrats of America. Their goal is to advocate for college students living in Massachusetts and for pro-student policies and legislation in the Commonwealth. The College Democrats of Massachusetts are committed to electing strong, progressive democrats to office across the state. Twenty active chapters operate statewide.

Downing, a Pittsfield native and alumni of Providence College and Tufts University’s Department of Urban and Environment Policy and Planning, is serving his second term as senator from the Berkshire, Hampshire and Franklin District. Downing plays an active role in the Massachusetts Democratic Party, focusing on increased youth participation as the co-chair of the Massachusetts Democratic Party Youth Services Committee.

"We appointed Senator Downing to our Honorary Chair position because of the advocacy, integrity and humility he has shown in office,” said President Pat Johnson. "Ben Downing is someone we all want to emulate as young people in politics, and because of the values he holds we find it fitting that he fills this seat which was for many years held by the late U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy."

"Being appointed to a role previously filled by Senator Kennedy is an extreme honor,” said Downing. "The College Democrats of Massachusetts play a vital role in getting young voters active in politics. It is never too early to start advocating for what you believe in, and for this reason I am proud to serve as Honorary Chair and help this organization fulfill its stated mission."

The College Democrats of Massachusetts is now planning its 2010 Convention, to be held April 9-11th at Smith College in Northampton. Visit for more details.
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Dalton Residents Petition for Action on Berkshire Concrete Dust

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — Several hundred residents have petitioned the Planning Board and Board of Health to take action regarding complaints surrounding Berkshire Concrete Corp. 
On Wednesday, the Planning Board will be providing an update on the organization's dust mitigation plan and the petrographic test results expected to determine the dust's composition.
During an update on the situation at a February Select Board meeting, the Board of Health said it is actively working with the state Department of Environmental Protection on air sampling from the sand dust to understand its contents.
In February, the town ordered Berkshire Concrete to stop work because of a "clerical error" that resulted in abutters being improperly notified.
Although work has stopped, residents say sand and dust is still blowing into the neighborhood. 

Sand can be seen on the snow in this March 9 photo of Prospect Street supplied by the 'Neighborhood Group of Concerned Citizens.'
A neighborhood petition gathered 357 signatures to urge the boards to take strict action on the situation. 
The petition urges the following steps be taken: the town cease approval of all future permits to Berkshire Concrete Corp. parcel 105-16; zone the parcel to protect it from all commercial purposes in perpetuity; and enforce strict reclaiming of the parcel to include but not be limited to regrading steep slopes, mulching mats to protect seed, and reforestation;
It also requests that all work at the entire mine site be stopped until corrective action has been taken and approved by governing authorities; that the town enforce permit conditions in a timely manner; and continually monitor air quality at the site and in the neighborhood. 
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