Downing Appointed Honorary Chair of Mass College Democrats

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Senator Benjamin B. Downing
BOSTON — The College Democrats of Massachusetts have appointed state Senator Benjamin B. Downing, D- Pittsfield as Honorary Chairman.

The College Democrats of Massachusetts are the official college outreach wing of the Massachusetts Democratic Party and a branch of the College Democrats of America. Their goal is to advocate for college students living in Massachusetts and for pro-student policies and legislation in the Commonwealth. The College Democrats of Massachusetts are committed to electing strong, progressive democrats to office across the state. Twenty active chapters operate statewide.

Downing, a Pittsfield native and alumni of Providence College and Tufts University’s Department of Urban and Environment Policy and Planning, is serving his second term as senator from the Berkshire, Hampshire and Franklin District. Downing plays an active role in the Massachusetts Democratic Party, focusing on increased youth participation as the co-chair of the Massachusetts Democratic Party Youth Services Committee.

"We appointed Senator Downing to our Honorary Chair position because of the advocacy, integrity and humility he has shown in office,” said President Pat Johnson. "Ben Downing is someone we all want to emulate as young people in politics, and because of the values he holds we find it fitting that he fills this seat which was for many years held by the late U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy."

"Being appointed to a role previously filled by Senator Kennedy is an extreme honor,” said Downing. "The College Democrats of Massachusetts play a vital role in getting young voters active in politics. It is never too early to start advocating for what you believe in, and for this reason I am proud to serve as Honorary Chair and help this organization fulfill its stated mission."

The College Democrats of Massachusetts is now planning its 2010 Convention, to be held April 9-11th at Smith College in Northampton. Visit for more details.
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CBRSD School Committee OKs $36M Budget

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — The Central Berkshire Regional School Committee approved a gross final budget of $36,643,001 for fiscal 2026, an increase of 2.70 percent over this year. 
The biggest cause of the increase is from insurances. The district's active health insurance premiums increased by 16 percent; retirees had an increase of 20 percent, and a 3 percent increase in dental, said Gregory Boino, director of finance and operations.
Another large increase was for special education transportation costs, which increased $135,000, "and it's just to meet the actual expenditures where we're living right now," Boino said. 
The district's Special Education Out of District Tuition line decreased by $214,350 because students are aging out of those out-of-district placements, he said. 
The Finance Committee also decreased the other post-employment benefits, or OPEB, amount by $350,000, so next year, the district will be funding it with $50,000, Boino said. 
The Finance Committee discussed how there is a deep need for the community to petition the state to change Chapter 70 education aid and rural aid, School Committee member Paul Farella said prior to the budget update. 
"The way that they work makes it extremely difficult for us to make a budget that is fair to towns when you have some that have high percentages of assessment and others with negative it can create a sticky situation," he said.
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