MCLA Unveils Master Plan

By Jen ThomasPrint Story | Email Story
The proposed science center addition would extend off the south side of Bowman Hall.

NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts unveiled an updated master plan for campus building improvements this month, outlining specific plans for a new science building and major renovations to Bowman Hall.

According to James Stakenas, MCLA's vice president of administration and finance, the college identified nine projects in the master plan, selecting a projected 28,000-square-foot addition to Bowman Hall for a science center as the top priority. Additionally, the college plans to completely renovate Bowman as part of that project.

"Not only do we get the new science space we need, we get to renovate Bowman as well. It's a good package deal," said Stakenas on Tuesday.

The updated master plan comes following Gov. Deval Patrick's filing of his $2 billion higher education bond bill earlier this month. From that bond bill, MCLA will receive "no less" than $22.8 million for the project. Originally proposed as a standalone building or as an addition to Mark Hopkins Hall, the science center could now extend off the south end of Bowman Hall toward the Amsler Campus Center.

The three-story structure would house new laboratories as well as classrooms and offices for the school's science departments — biology, chemistry, environmental studies and physics. The second priority for MCLA is the renovation of Venable Hall that — coupled with the renovation of Bowman — would include moving the visual arts classes from Bowman to Venable and the science classes from Venable to Bowman.

"Building projects are huge," said Stakenas. The master plan also calls for other maintenance projects on campus, including a possible renovation of Freel Library. "Our priority from day one was the new science center but our master plan includes everything from new offices and classrooms to soft spaces for students to study to air conditioning in Murdock Hall and elevators," he said.

Though a feasibility study still needs to be completed, estimates for the science center total approximately $31 million to $39 million. At a campus master planning meeting last Thursday, faculty and staff discussed the renovations, which include completely remodeling the interior of Bowman.

While Stakenas said he hopes to see the projects begun in the next 3 to 5 years, the state still must determine in what sequence state college projects will be undertaken.

"This news is very encouraging, but it's just the beginning of what we expect to be a complex process as all the state colleges work to get their needs advanced. And, although these plans will not take care of all our needs, they are an important starting point. The next step is that this will be debated in the Joint Higher Education Committee and the Bond Bill Committee. A Higher Education meeting on the bond bill is scheduled for Nov. 1 and we will pass along more information to you as we receive it," said President Mary Grant in a statement to the college community on Saturday.

"Most important for us right now is keeping our No. 1 priority active," said Stakenas of the science building.

Tags: life sciences,   MCLA,   science center,   

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Clarksburg Officials Debate Need for School Repairs, Renovations

By Tammy Daniels iBerkshires Staff

Select Board member Colton Andrews stands next to a bucket catching leaks as he talks to the joint gathering. 
CLARKSBURG, Mass. — School officials acknowledged that Clarksburg School is need of renovation or rebuild but declined to commit at this point to plan of action.
"We can't say that because it hasn't even been put out to the town," said School Committee member Cynthia Brule. "So I mean, we could say, 'yeah, I want a new school,' but it means nothing."
The comments had come during a joint meeting of the Select Board and School Committee last week over what to do with the leaking roof. 
"We're dealing with a pretty leaky roof that's affecting several classrooms," said Superintendent John Franzoni. "The leaks are continuing and impacting the classroom learning."
Select Board Chair Robert Norcross had pushed for the committee to make a declaration after talks with the governor's Western Mass office over the lingering $500,000 in a bond bill for the roof. 
He and Assistant Superintendent Tara Barnes had spoken with Kristen Elechko, Western Mass regional director, he said, and Barnes had mentioned the school could use more than a roof. 
"Kristen sent me an email the next day saying that I can't go for a roof if we're going to go for a new school or if we're going to go for something bigger," Norcross said. "You have to decide quickly what we want to do, because all these deadlines are coming up. So that's why I wanted to push the meeting forward and that's why I asked the Finance Committee and the Select Board to be here, because we got to make a decision tonight."
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