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North Adams Cinemas Planning to Reopen

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
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NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — The North Adams cinemas are expected to reopen this Friday under new management.

The MoviePlex 8 closed abruptly a month ago when its parent company, Cinema North Corp. of Rutland, Vt., went bankrupt.

At the time, Neil Ellis, owner of Steeple City Plaza where the theaters are located, said he was aware of the company's financial issues and had been working on ways to keep the theaters open.

On Tuesday, Mayor John Barrett III said Ellis had informed him that the theaters would reopen under a management agreement with a Greenfield theater company.

Ellis could not be reached for comment but the cinema marquee was quietly changed on Tuesday with recent and opening films, including the much-anticipated "New Moon" from the "Twilight" series.

On the bottom corner of the marquee for Theater 4, the morbid "Final Destination" was replaced by the more optimistic "Opening Friday."

The listings also include "2012," "Planet 51," "Capitalism: A Love Story," "A Christmas Carol," "The Men Who Stare At Goats," "Blind Side" and "Where the Wild Things Are."

Final details were reportedly being ironed out and a more formal announcement is expected on Wednesday.

Some of Cinema North's seven other properties may also reopen. Several franchises are bidding for the lease to the MoviePlex 9 in Rutland, according to the Rutland Herald, and the MoviePlex 8 in Greenport, N.Y., was purchased by a former Cinema North partner who's looking at a second theater as well, said the Catskill Daily Mail.
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Letter: The Best Summer ... Until

Letter to the Editor

To the editor:

Oh what a summer it's been. I cannot remember a nicer summer than 2024. We used our pool more this year than the past 25 years we've lived here.

Hot, weeks at a time, pretty much no rain other than a few heavy storms that rolled in, and the real purpose of this letter, motorcycling. What an amazing summer, almost every day, sunshine and more sunshine, so much so that at times you would forget that biking is a defense ride more so than a true blast through the hills of the Berkshires especially the fall.

Every day out the door, the same "I love you, and be careful" see you in a bit.

Now my purpose, the roads. Everywhere I go there's people talking about that unbelievable poor conditions and the amount of construction going on, well, if you're in a car it's terrible but bearable (no pun intended) unless your on an air cooling motorcycle, that relies on air to cool the engine, which brings me to ... "The most atrocious set of speed bumps put in the middle of the road." Where you're asking? Exactly, Partridge Road, Pittsfield.

I wish someone had told me because I wasn't speeding when I hit the first one which I completely did not see, because it blends in so well with this newly paved road which I'm sure has brought on more traffic, speeding, texting while driving ect. ... until the residents said, "ENOUGH." But as I said, I wasn't speeding the day I traveled through going to the doctor's on my motorcycle, I hit the first speed bump going the speed limit and almost got killed.

It broke something on the front of my motorcycle and the bike couldn't stop from veering to the left as I tried to ride away, still wondering what happened, so thanks for the sign, you know the one, motorcycles take caution, milled area ahead, warning construction ahead, nope, none, a broken motorcycle, a real long day getting towed, almost got killed, and I was not speeding or offending anyone.

William Tatro
North Adams, Mass.



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