Democrats slam Nader’s run

By Linda CarmanPrint Story | Email Story
Ralph Nader
Berkshire County political activists and observers – across a range of Democrats, independent progressives, former Greens and a Republican – predicted this week that Ralph Nader’s candidacy will draw fewer voters than he did in the 2000 election, but some cautioned against assuming the Nader factor will be insignificant. Nader lacks party endorsement this time around, having run as a Green Party candidate in 2000. His contention that the two main parties are too similar will be a much harder sell, observers said, noting that President George W. Bush is no longer an unknown quantity. James McAllister, a Williams College political science professor, predicted Nader’s ability to siphon votes has diminished. “The 2000 election was in many cases a fluke,” McAllister said. “More importantly, voters realize now that a vote for Nader could be very costly. Many who voted for him and are attracted to his program will not vote for him this time. Also, Nader will not have an organization behind him this time.” Nader announced his candidacy Sunday. In the 2000 election, he drew 2.7 percent of the vote and was characterized by many Democrats as a spoiler who cost Al Gore the presidency and handed the White House to Bush. Since then, several said, Nader’s support has eroded. “He hates the Democratic Party more than he hates Republicans,” McAllister said. “If you believe that what’s wrong with American politics today is the result of the two-party system, then he’s right that a third party can be an alternative.” Green Party organizer Larry Klay of Great Barrington said, “The first priority is to defeat Bush.” Klay, who calls Nader “the greatest statesman and debater on progressive issues in America,” said that while he cannot bring himself to campaign for John Kerry, he would probably vote for him. And former Green Mickey Friedman, also of Great Barrington, who voted for Nader in 2000, said he would not do so in 2004. “I think everything that Ralph Nader is saying is true, but I think he’s made the absolutely wrong decision. There are just certain times when you can be correct in principle, but in terms of the needs of the moment, it’s the wrong decision. This is a time when it’s absolutely essential to change the leadership in Washington, where the Bush administration is busy undoing 70 years of decent social legislation,” said Friedman, who supports Sen. John Edwards’ candidacy. “I’m very sad that someone as intelligent and courageous as Ralph Nader is going to make it harder to remove George Bush.” Nader, in an interview on The News Hour with Jim Lehrer on Public Television Monday night noted that, historically, many reforms have been spearheaded by third parties. Mary K. O’Brien, Democratic state committeewoman for the past 22 years and register of deeds for Central Berkshire, said she was upset that Nader was running. “People who supported him in the past have tried to persuade him not to. I think he’s just off the rails, but he could do a lot of harm,” she said. She maintained that Nader’s goal is unattainable. “To run as a gadfly just undermines most particularly the Democratic candidate, as was proved last time. If he gets on the ballot in battleground states such as Ohio and Missouri, he definitely could be very, very harmful,” she said. “I certainly agree that a lot fewer people will vote for him in 2004. They’ve come to their senses,” she added. “2000 was a different time. We were filing a vacancy, not looking at the record. The Republicans’ new ideas are an attempt to dismantle policies since the Roosevelt era.” Sherwood Guernsey, a prominent Williamstown Democrat and former state representative, said, “I think it’s terribly unfortunate for this country that he [Nader] would choose to follow his ego rather than the best interest of the country.” Guernsey said he considers the biggest danger posed by Nader’s candidacy is not the vote he might get but “encouraging and promoting cynicism about the Democratic Party,” which Guernsey said could freeze out voters. “The last thing we need is for people to be sitting on their hands. I’ve never been more concerned about the direction the country is going,” he said. “A very few votes could decide the election.” According to Guernsey, cynicism about electoral politics has been growing since the Watergate scandal and is “a very dangerous thing for the country and for democracy.” Guernsey and several other political observers expressed regret that Nader, whom they had long admired for his consumer advocacy, would act in a way they considered counterproductive. U.S. Rep. John Olver, D-Amherst, said, “Nader presents a difficult issue for my party because many progressive Democratic voters support his ideas. I think, though, that the pragmatic lesson from the last presidential race has sunk in on a lot of 2000 Nader voters. Everyone is four years older and wiser.” Olver said he thinks Nader’s candidacy is unlikely to deflect voters from the Democratic candidate. Patrick Mele, who heads the Berkshire Central Labor Council’s committee on political education, said, “I don’t think it will have an impact. I’ll definitely be supporting the Democratic nominee, particularly in view of the administration’s international positions. Stressing that he spoke for himself and not the council or its committee, he said, “I think the focus is on beating George Bush, and I think everyone’s going to rally around that.” Lee Harrison, chairman of the Williamstown Democratic Town Committee, said, “Of course I’m disappointed that he feels it’s necessary to run again. Obviously, this is all about Ralph and not about the issues. If he cared about the issues he’d be supporting John Kerry.” Harrison said he had admired Nader’s consumer advocacy, particularly his book “Unsafe At Any Speed,” but deplored his decision to run. “I really think this is a sad day for Ralph,” he said. “I think his legacy will be greatly diminished. He’ll be remembered as the guy who put George Bush in office and the guy who’s trying to do it again. …I don’t think he has the stature he had in 2000. He won’t attract nearly the following he had then.” Mark Reinhardt, another Williams College political science professor called Nader’s candidacy “indefensible.” “This will be the most momentous election in decades. It’s going to be close, and it’s hard to see how Nader’s candidacy will help,” said Reinhardt. “I’m reasonably hopeful he’s not going to be the disruptive force he was in the last election. A decent number of people who supported him then are contrite about what they did. Once burned, twice shy.” He added, “Nader’s case in 2000 was that it really didn’t matter which of the two main parties won. I cannot believe that any sensible person, looking at the world, would believe that now.” Tom Stokes of Lenox, who ran for state representative two years ago as a progressive independent and is South County coordinator for Kerry, the Democratic frontrunner, said he had not supported Nader in 2000 nor does he now. “I admire so much about Ralph Nader, and a lot of things he is saying need to be addressed, but timing is everything in politics,” said Stokes. “Right now I feel, unfortunately, that Ralph Nader is consumed with anger. His defiance helped him be such a crusader over the years, but tragically, it’s doing terrible things not only to his reputation. It’s undermining what many of us are trying to do, raising issues in a political context.” He added, however, “There’s a place for independent voices, for mavericks.” Stokes noted that in an interview with Tim Russert of NBC’s Meet The Press, Nader left open a window for withdrawing if polls in the fall showed he might push the election to the Republicans. “It’s unlikely a Nader campaign will be a decisive factor this time around,” said Stokes. “My sadness comes from the undermining of a very important voice we have in our democracy. I hope the Democrats, rather than focusing vituperative anger at Nader, would just emphasize their differences — what they stand for. That, more than anything, will marginalize the Nader candidacy.” Williamstown Democratic State Committeewoman Margaret Ware also predicted fewer voters would defect to Nader. “I think circumstances in the year 2000 were different. George W. Bush was a totally unknown quantity. This year, it’s frightening what we know about Bush,” Ware said. “I don’t think [Nader’s candidacy] will be as damaging, but it will still be a close election. The question could still turn on a dime.” Williamstown Republican Marilyn Head declined to predict the effects of a Nader candidacy. “Nothing’s the same as when he ran four years ago,” Head said. “Who can tell what’s going to happen down the pike? I have no clue how it’s going to affect the election. The people who voted for him before may not vote for him again. They may say, ‘I’m not going down that path again.’ Everyone has the right to run, and he’s doing his thing. He evidently has an agenda.” She added, “No two elections are the same. The generally known fact is, if three people are running for office, the third will take votes away, but I don’t know where they’re coming from. Once he starts campaigning, then he’ll start explaining his programs and ideas. And then people will start to decide.”
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Local Soccer Enthusiasts Look to Compete in Iceland Tournament

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff

The members of the Stateline Strikers team are raising funds to compete in a tournament in Iceland this November. 
CANAAN, N.Y. — A group of area women, including some self-described "soccer moms" are preparing to take their game on the road — and across the ocean.
This November, the small team of soccer enthusiasts are aiming to compete in "Wurth Iceland," a six-on-six tournament that bills itself as "fun and football" and brings teams from around the world to the Land of Fire and Ice.
"I've actually been part of this adventure previously," Yessica Soriano of Lanesborough, Mass., said recently. "I played in the tournament six or seven years ago.
"It was lovely. I had never had the opportunity to travel internationally to play soccer until this came about. It was a great experience going there with other women who enjoyed playing the sport — not just women but soccer moms."
For about a year, Soriano has been enjoying the beautiful game with a different group of like-minded women who get together on Tuesdays and Thursdays as part of the Columbia County Women's Soccer League.
The group plays on Tuesdays at the Fieldhouse in Canaan and on Thursdays at Crellin Community Park in Chatham.
The league was founded in the summer of 2023 by Melanie Snyder, a resident of the eastern New York county who founded Tri-State Psychotherapy Group in Pittsfield, Mass.
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