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Found 1347 results for: "glen project"
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BEAT Awarded Funding for a Community Commercial...

The award will be used to purchase and install a commercial dishwasher at BEAT's Environmental Leadership and Education Center, located in Pittsfield, as well as to purchase supplies for a stock of at least 100 reusable place settings.

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Taconic Track Closing For Repairs, Spring Completion...

On Thursday, the city announced that the track will be closed to all users starting Monday. It is slated to reopen in late spring with a new surface and other elements for a better user experience.

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ARPA Funds Approved for Public Safety Feasibility...

The Select Board voted to allocate $100,000 from the American Rescue Plan Act funds to fund a feasibility study for a proposed public safety facility.

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Letter: Project 2025 Is an Urgent Threat to Democracy

Harris' pro democracy stance contrasts dramatically with Project 2025, the de facto policy platform of Donald Trump and his Republican Party.

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Letter: Vote No on Greylock School Project

I don't want to pay for, nor do I want my children to have to pay for a proposed solution to a problem that will inevitably solve nothing.

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Letter: The Children of North Adams Deserve New...

For many of us with children in the city, the choice is crystal clear. For those with infants or that are soon expecting, the chance for their preK to second graders to attend a brand-new school is exciting and inspiring.

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Weekend Outlook: Fresh Grass, Autumn Equinox, and More

There are a variety of events this weekend, including festivals, autumn equinox celebrations, live music, and more.

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Pittsfield Schools' New Cell Phone Policy Effective So...

The revised cell phone policy has shown positive results so far for the Pittsfield Public Schools.

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McCann Sets Aside Funding For MSBA Feasibility Study

The McCann School Committee voted to prepare $275,000 for a Massachusetts School Building Authority feasibility study if the school is accepted into repair program.

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Dalton Health Board Extends Vote on Blighted Home

The Board of Health last Wednesday agreed to extend its vote on condemning 27 Mountain View Terrace to the October meeting.

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Williamstown Select Board Has Three Applicants for...

A three-term member of the board, a teacher at Mount Greylock Regional School and a town native have stepped forward to fill an interim position on the Select Board.

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BCHS Presents the Opera 'Billy Budd'

Sept. 20 Performance at the Linde Center in Collaboration with Berkshire Opera Festival and the Tanglewood Learning Institute

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Letter: Save Notch Forest

I am writing to express deep concern over the proposed logging project near Notch Reservoir and the Bellows Pipe Trailhead.

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Letter: Save Brayton: Vote No on Oct. 8

A vote no on Oct. 8 is a vote to save Brayton and all the resources we already have.

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Proprietor's Lodge Dock Proposal Continued for Third...

A seasonal dock proposal at the Proprietor's Lodge has seen some changes but the neighborhood is still not on board.

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Ventfort Hall Announces New Board Members

Appointed to the board were James P. Galli, Kim Jakobowicz, Louis D, Schroeter III, and Jeremy Winchester.

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North Adams Residents Seek Answers on Forest...

But residents continue to be concerned about erosion, water quality and logging, and the effects on wildlife and the popular Bellows Pipe Trail.

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Pittsfield's East Street Redevelopment Gets Additional...

The $14.6 million redevelopment of East Street has gotten a boost from redistribution funds.

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Weekend Outlook: Big E, Biodiversity, and More

There are a variety of events this weekend, including a fair, a biodiversity celebration, live music, and more.

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