A reasonable expectation by the people of a community is that their Select Board rises above personal preference and represents the collective interests of the community.
For residents of lower Reservoir Road, suggestions that so-called climate smart logging will be good for us smacks of the urban renewal language used to usurp land and neighborhoods in the 1960s and '70s.
We were shocked to hear that there are members of our community who are spreading untruthful accusations about our programs. We pride ourselves on the collaborative way we work with our partners in the community.
Spending time in nature has great benefits to the emotional well-being of people, and it would be a shame to take that from our fellow North Adams residents.
Like every other resident of North Adams, I was until very recently unaware of a sneaky logging plan for a patch of pristine public lands on the south side of Mount Greylock called Notch Woods.
I implore you and your readers to take this time to learn about and advocate for this exciting new project that could expand commerce and travel across Massachusetts.
This project has been in development for years, with the opportunity for public feedback and scrutiny. It has reached this point because the MSBA understands that our schools need to meet the quality expectations of the moment.
I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed logging project at the Notch Reservoir in North Adams, a key source of our city's drinking water.