West Stockbridge Residents Urged to take Municipal Broadband Survey

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WEST STOCKBRIDGE, Mass.— The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) has issued a call to all residents of West Stockbridge, Massachusetts, urging them to complete the Municipal Broadband Institute's (MBI) survey form.
This effort is aimed at bolstering the town's eligibility to apply for grant funding, specifically designated to enhance internet accessibility and speed throughout West Stockbridge.
Complete the survey by clicking on this link.
By actively participating in the survey, residents can contribute to identifying unserved and underserved areas within the town. The MBI has implemented a BEAD Challenge Process, utilizing this data to pinpoint locations that lack adequate high-speed fiber connectivity. These identified areas will then be considered for funding, aiming to bridge the digital divide and improve internet infrastructure.
Residents are encouraged to complete the survey by accessing the provided link. To read more information on the BEAD Challenge Process please click this link: BEAD Challenge Process
If you would like to contribute information on this article, contact us at info@iberkshires.com.

2024 Scholarships & Awards for the Lee High School Class of 2024

LEE, Mass. — The following awards and scholarships were presented to the Lee High School class of 2024. 
Marjorie Wickham Memorial Scholarships: Grace Shepard, Maria Anaya
Henry T. Zukowski Memorial Scholarships: Korey Chen, Emily Holian, Shealynn Kelly, Shaun Kinney, Isabella Kotek, Conn LePrevost, Cooper Maloney, Taylor Salice, Autumn Schwab
Drs. Charles & James Stratton Memorial Scholarships: Shaelynn Kelly
Michael R. Coty Memorial Scholarship: Jackson Decker
Andrew J. Bartini Memorial Scholarship: Allen Ni
Eugenio Bonafin Memorial Scholarship, Class of 1936: Kali Ward
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